2014年9月15日 星期一

Akademy 2014

雖然參與 KDE 事務已經好多年,但 Akademy 每年都在歐洲舉辦,不管是時間還是旅費問題都讓人卻步。在數年前曾邀請數位重量級 KDE developers 來台灣參加 COSCUP,但舉辦 KDE Asia 始終只停留在念頭階段而已。

今年工作上有了大轉變,因此決定試投 paper 到 Akademy,主講自由軟體在台灣校園的推動現況。沒想到順利錄取,並且得到了全額補助!真是非常感動與感謝。因此今年單槍匹馬,前往捷克布爾諾參加 Akademy 2014 大會。

Akademy 的形式很特別。雖然安排了七天,但實際的議程只有兩天。這兩天的主題安排非常豐富,不是只有技術議題而已。第一天的早上,令我印象深刻的就是 GCompris 這套我們平常也在力推的幼教軟體的開發者 Bruno Coudoin,說明 GCompris 在今年跳槽到 KDE 下,全部用 Qt 改寫!並且藉由 Qt5 on Android 的優勢,直接移植到 Android 平台上。

接下來,Albert Astals Cid 兩場 session,一場說到軟體的 Quality 問題,另一場則是 Spyware 的使用,如何在不影響使用者權益下,收集到使用者行為的資料以供參考。

第一天下午就是我與印度的 Akshay Ratan 一起分享 KDE 在亞洲區的發展。亞洲區中,KDE 在印度的發展可以說是相當蓬勃,但其他國家卻相對沉默許多。我用了三個 Q&A 告訴大家 KDE 在台灣的現況。

第二天比較印象深刻的議題則是 KDE-connect 與 Qt on Android and iOS.  再來就是一個非常有意思的議題,Social Skills for Geeks!  主講人很風趣的將平日的人際互動變成一個個 protocol,包括一開始的 handshaking,後來的 data transfer 等等。雖然英文聽得有些吃力,不過還是非常的有趣。

雖然主要議程只有兩天,但 Akademy 的一大特色,就是接下來連續五天的 BoF session!  在五天中,許多開發團隊 Book 了一間會議室,一個早上或一個下午的時間,直接關在門裡開始一個個列出問題,解決問題。我認為這是 Akademy 非常重要,也非常有意義的部份;除了辦研討會外,在這五天中,每天都有新的開發進展!實際上是令人非常興奮的。除了開發者的 workshop 外,也有一些社群推廣議題,例如印度社群就討論了 KDE-edu 與 KDE india future plan。我待了兩天,這兩天中除了我用一個小時介紹 NTPC 這個在台灣自由軟體界的里程碑外,也討論了 KDE-edu 與 KDE games 的發展。我們都同意往 Android/iOS 移植 KDE 應用程式,應該是未來 KDE / Qt 的一大優勢。

希望明年能再次參加,並帶去更多 KDE 在台灣發展的好消息。

2014年7月8日 星期二

2014 第六屆教育噗浪客年會




2014年6月24日 星期二

Making Your Own ezgo

2014/06/04 在成大資工的自由軟體課程上,講解怎麼製作 ezgo



新北市教師工作坊,Bash script programming 基礎介紹

2014/06/24  在新北市蘆洲國中的教師工作坊,投影片在:



2014年6月5日 星期四

Gnome Asia 2014 in Beijing

Well, this is not my first time to attend Gnome Asia.  My first time was in 2010, together with COSCUP.  But this time it was even more excited for me, because I was able to see some good friends in China.

Thanks to Max, who invited me to submit a paper.  I decided to introduce NTPC project, which was a very big progress in promoting FOSS in Taiwan.

To be honest, though I used to contribute to Gnome intermittently these years, Gnome is not my major desktop environment.  But I'm still concerned about the development of Gnome 3, especially this time there are some interesting topics like input method and libreoffice.  So I was happy that I could attend this time.

The opening this year was very interesting.  Chinese style performance, Chinese style fans, Chinese style gongs and Chinese style couplet all made it very interesting.  Then in the keynotes speech speakers introduced the progress of Gnome and Fedora's new features.  However it was a pity that speakers' English and speeches were not easy to understand.  I was not able to understand them very well. :-(

In the session "Libreoffice - go hand in hand with GNOME" Yifan introduced some very cool features in Libreoffice, like remote control slides with mobile phones, webapp style office editing, ... etc.  I then tried with my own mobile phone and slides.  It worked, just that the bluetooth connections seemed not very stable.

Ahmad Haris, my Indonesia friend introduced the FOSS promoting in Indonesia, especially for local scripts and languages.  Similar topics were introduced in Taiwan too.  We then discussed about some technique issues.

Peng Wu introduced Wayland in his session.  Wayland had been introduced for years, and it solved some tricky problems in X, but the progress seemed not go very far since then.  When someone asked about the difference and compare with Ubuntu's Mir, Peng didn't answer the questions directly.

Daiki Ueno and Anish Patil introduced some improvement of ibus.  I was quite interested in this topic.  They tried to split the simple and complex input modules so that the performances can be improved.  Very interesting, and hope that it can be implemented very soon.

The highlight was in the second day -- Richard Stallman's speech.  He is a good speaker.  In that condition with most non-native English audience, his English was quite easy to understand.  He analyzed the drawbacks of nonfree software.  Very powerful, and very impressed.

In the afternoon of the second day, I introduced NTPC project, which was a big victory of FOSS in Taiwan's schools.  Though there were not many people in the session, but they were all impressed with our efforts and this big progress.  We then discussed about some educational issues, and how FOSS was applied to the education in Taiwan.  We wish that some day we can introduce and push FOSS in China's schools too.

Weiwu Chang gave a very interesting topic in his session:  How To Ignore Users' Needs.  Actually he was talking about user's needs, just in a different aspect.  His experiences inspired me very much.

Reika (Kai-Ju Tsai) was our partners and she introduced Scratch For Arduino (S4A) promotion in Taiwan.  A good introduction and ending of this conference.

This year Gnome Asia was successful.  Very impressed.  Only a few minor problems, like the pointer sign to the conference hall and the restaurant was not clear enough.  Wish I can have more chances to attend in the future.